Puzzles Unlimited Announces New Custom Puzzles Service for Artists and Photographers
Custom Puzzles for Artists & Photographers
Puzzles Unlimited Announces New Service for Artists and Photographers Allowing Them to Create Their Own Custom Puzzles
Visual artists and photographers now have a great new way to increase their income – through custom jigsaw puzzles created based on their work. This brand-new service from leading puzzle company Puzzles Unlimited has been met with quick passionate feedback from happy customers.
High-quality jigsaw puzzles are a timeless gift, that’s been loved by generations of Americans. When combined with artwork or an important photograph, these kinds of puzzles often end up being treasured keepsakes. Puzzles Unlimited, a jigsaw puzzle company with over 12 years of experience, recently announced a new jigsaw puzzle service that allows visual artists and photographers to use the jigsaw puzzle platform as a way to promote their work and bring in an extra income stream. The unique concept, combined with premium quality construction, affordable price, and engaged customer service are making the new service quickly popular with a wide range of clients.
“Selling your art in the form of Jigsaw Puzzles is an income opportunity often overlooked by creative people,” commented Colin Southwell, CEO, of PuzzlesUnlimited.com. “Nonetheless, it is a very popular and profitable way to gain exposure beyond the art community. People love art, but puzzles make art accessible to many more people, at a price non-art collectors can afford.”
According to the company, their price structure depends on the size of the puzzle being ordered and the quantity. To test out the service and to keep prices affordable at low quantities, the company offers a starter pack of 64 puzzles. This gives clients a way to test which pieces of their visual art or photography resonate most with customers.

Clients have responded to the service with quite passionate reviews.
For more information be sure to visit Puzzles Unlimited
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Founder and owner of TSG Products Inc., the Canadian company behind PuzzlesUnlimited.com and Jigsaw2order.com, one of the web’s oldest sites offering personalized, custom-made jigsaw puzzles since 2002.
With over 2 million puzzles manufactured and collaborations with thousands of artists, photographers, museums, and corporations, Colin’s expertise in the puzzle industry is unparalleled. His company, TSG Products Inc., is dedicated to producing high-quality jigsaw puzzles for customers worldwide, providing unique and creative products for the global market.